Almondine, D&D, Fascati, Manhattan

This weekend was a quieter one. For Friday, I'll just mention that we had some take-out from Lichee Nut again for dinner; that place is so fantastic. The food was really good, and with (free) delivery and tax, it was 22 bucks for two dishes, rice, and a side of dumplings, which gave us a huge meal and lunch fr Suzy on Saturday. Awesome restaurant.

Late Saturday morning we walked up to D.U.M.B.O. and went to the Almondine bakery, which was finally open after their summer vacation. I had a tuna sandwich on a little loaf of cheese bread, and Suzy had a croissant, and also got a few pastries to try later. Suzy said her croissant was quite good, and my sandwich was also great -- the bread itself was fantastic, soft and fresh inside and really crusty and crisp on the outside without being chewy.

Around noon, I took the train over to Midtown to go to a meet of an NYC D&D group I found online back in July. There were about 50 people there, playing about 8 different campaigns. I managed to get into a pick-up game of 4th Edition D&D with a guy who was running a game for the first time. There were seven of us playing, and it was ... pretty good. It was definitely kind of weird to just sit down and play with a bunch of strangers though, and I didn't really click with anyone. I think if I go to another meet, I'll try to play with some different people, and see how I do. I do know that compared to playing back in SJ with my friends, this was nowhere near as fun, but I also know that the friends were the source of most of the fun anyway, not the game. I think in order to really enjoy playing, I need to find people I like hanging out with first, and then add in D&D, another pastime altogether, second.

Saturday night, thanks to the driving rain of Hannah, we opted to not go the the store to get stuff for supper and instead had pizza delivered from Fascati's. It took a while to show up, but it was still hot when it did. It was definitely good, but I think my favourite is still Monty Q's.

Sunday we rocked out at the laundromat for most of the morning (booyah!) and then later in the afternoon we took the subway over to Manhattan. We stopped near Wall Street so Suzy could pick up a book for school at a Borders, then walked over to Century 21 and found me a new Pair of shoes for work. We hopped back on the subway to go up to Union Square. From there we walked to City Bakery for a pretzel croissant (yum!) and then headed to Bed Bath & Beyond for a coupel of things for the apartment.

We walked back to Union Square, stopped at Whole Foods for some stuff for supper, and then back on the subway to go home. Like I said, a quieter weekend.

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